Calming Practices

Stress can affect your thoughts, emotions, and physical body. In the video below, Dr. Gahan Pandina, Clinical Psychologist and Senior Director and Compound Development Team Leader at Janssen Research & Development, covers three techniques to help you learn more about how you experience stress and ways to manage it in the moment. Dr. Pandina reminds us that “Mindfulness is all about finding the techniques, or technique, that’s best for you.” Try different techniques and find the ones that you can incorporate throughout your day.

Finding Mental Health Help and Crisis Support
As a frontline health worker, you’re probably experiencing the type of stress that can cause people to feel overwhelmed, anxious, and depressed. These feelings are normal responses considering the crisis. However, when they last too long, impair your ability to function, reemerge from a previous condition, or present a significant risk to you or others, it’s a good time to get help.