Global Interventions

Based on our extensive regional programming and long legacy of work with partners, the Center has identified a set of global interventions—“big bet” innovative solutions that have high potential for global impact—for dedicated investment and development.

Common Characteristics of Global Interventions:

  • They address a widespread problem that affects frontline health workers frequently across different contexts and geographies
  • They have moved beyond early proof-of-concept and have emerging evidence of efficacy but are not yet fully mainstream
  • While implementation may reflect regional, cultural and contextual nuances, the core idea or approach remains constant across geographies
  • They have potential to be highly scalable

In addition to funding direct implementation through our Impact Hubs, the Center aims to accelerate the global adoption and scale-up of these solutions by:

  • Framing the opportunity for global impact with data and storytelling to catalyze additional action and investment
  • Creating mechanisms for shared learning and research across our regional implementing partners (and beyond) to disseminate insights and experience, build the evidence base, and advance the field
  • Exploring ways to reduce barriers to adoption, create multiplier effects, and harness new pathways to scale, including open-source licensing of adaptable assets (example: content, curricula, code), distribution partnerships, and accreditation or certification programs
  • Harnessing any relevant talent or know-how from Johnson & Johnson

As these promising solutions mature and evolve over the next decade, some will become mainstreamed into routine health service delivery, with no further need for private donor funding or investment. Others may be eclipsed by even better ideas. We aim to remain responsive to health needs, trends in primary and community health service delivery, and always the perspectives of frontline health workers.

We invite other stakeholders to join us in this effort.