Innovation Toolset

To accelerate solutions with and for health workers, the Center for Health Worker Innovation deploys a suite of tools including, but not limited to, philanthropic funding from the Johnson & Johnson Foundation.

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The Johnson & Johnson employee engagement strategy 'Talent for Good’ empowers employees to grow personally and professionally by applying their time, skills and resources to build healthier communities around the word. Opportunities that support our health worker partners on the front lines range from virtual engagement support, mentoring and coaching, to long-term skill-based in-country assignments.
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From seed grants, to public-private partnerships at scale, to impact investing, we draw from a diverse set of innovative financing vehicles to introduce, test, refine, and learn from promising ideas, programs and technologies.
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In partnership with our Government Affairs & Policy colleagues, we identify and urge action on sensible policies to attract, retain, and support health workers.



We raise our voice on behalf of frontline health workers everywhere, tapping the full depth and breadth of the Johnson & Johnson global presence to reach diverse audiences. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and join our newsletter to get the latest from the Center.
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We welcome anyone and everyone with a commitment to frontline health workers to add their voices and resources to this effort. We bring together a diverse range of global organizations to catalyze and accelerate innovation.
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Big For Good

To help us address the health workforce crisis, the Center collaborates across the global Johnson & Johnson enterprise, leveraging the diverse talent pool, innovation, business expertise, relationships, professional networks, and more.
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From communication and data collection, to next-gen tech like artificial intelligence, big data analytics and Internet of Things, we believe that technology can support health worker accuracy, productivity and collaboration within a connected team and health system.
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As a science-based company we believe in the power of data-driven decision-making and are committed to sharing best practices and strengthening the evidence base on health workforce innovations.